Confessions of a Millionaire's Mistress Read online

Page 11

  ‘Well, now you have me, what are you going to do with me, dear Ava?’ He raised his eyebrows and returned my smile.

  ‘I have a few ideas,’ I said, mulling over which one to put into action first. ‘I’ve got you right where I want you, Mr Montgomery. Now, close your eyes and don’t move your arms or you will be in trouble,’ I warned.

  He didn’t protest and did just as I asked. I looked at him for a moment with his eyes closed; he looked so peaceful and at ease with me. I felt myself taking a breath in as I began my descent of kisses along his chest, replicating his own methods to determine the reaction I would get. I ran my nails lightly down his chest until my trail finally led me to his cock. Just as I placed my hand on the rigid length of him, he flipped me over and pinned my hands above my head.

  ‘You didn’t think you’d get away with it that easily, did you?’ he whispered, kissing my neck again.

  ‘No fair!’ I squealed, trying playfully—and unsuccessfully—to pull my wrists out from his grip. I could feel him at my opening and was desperate to move a little lower to feel him enter me. At that very moment I would have given anything to feel it.

  ‘This isn’t about me, Ava, it’s about you. Be patient,’ he whispered.

  He made his way down my neck again, this time leaving trails of wet kisses. My pulse quickened as he rolled his hips around me. I exhaled as I moved my hips in unison with his. He finally reached my chest and placed his lips around the tip of my nipple before taking it whole into his mouth at the same time that he unexpectedly drove into me so hard I let out a moan in delight.

  He sucked harder, running his teeth lightly along the edge of my nipple as he continued thrusting into me deeper and deeper. I arched my back, desperate to feel him fill me. He removed his hands from my wrists and slipped them underneath me. I tightened my legs around his waist and ran my hands through his hair as he picked up his pace.

  I felt my climax building but I was desperate to hold out to feel him in me for longer. He massaged my breasts in such a way that had me teetering on the edge of a brutal orgasm. Moans of delight escaped my mouth before I had the chance to silence them as he reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling it gently, exposing my neck and running kisses up it until he reached my mouth and kissed me gently. With one arm underneath me and a hand on my face he whispered to me, looking me straight in the eyes with such an intense gaze I almost climaxed, as his eyes showed me something I wasn’t prepared to see.

  ‘Come now, Ava,’ he whispered quietly, and as if on cue, I did. The ripples of fire that erupted around my body left me feeling euphoric. Spasms shook me so uncontrollably around his length that I didn’t realise he had begun to climax at the same time. I was milking him dry and yet he couldn’t get enough of thrusting into me. Before I knew it I was climaxing again, the smell of sex in the air mixed with his cologne, the sound of his voice as he came and the continued thrusts sending me over the edge. The second climax had me stifling a scream; it was so powerful that my eyes filled with stars as my vision blackened, my body filled with pins and needles as I lost myself in the moment. I kissed him ferociously as I took him whole once more.

  With him still inside me I rolled him onto his back and ran kisses all over his body. The ripples of pleasure were dulling slightly as my aching sex squeezed against his throbbing cock once more. He moaned again before running his hands down my back ever so lightly, making goose bumps erupt all over me.

  As I lay in his arms I began to drift off. I was spent and just wanted to fall asleep in his arms again and stay in this position forever . . . but I knew he had to leave as he had a meeting early in the morning on the other side of town. It was only when I thought about this that it hit me: he might be going home to someone else. I pushed the ugly thoughts to the back of my mind and negotiated with my conscience, deciding I would deal with that at another time. Right now I was going to enjoy the moment.

  ‘Ava, you are incredible, that was incredible. I feel so alive,’ he whispered, kissing my forehead. I couldn’t respond—I was afraid that if I did I would end up saying something I would regret—so instead I relaxed my body and pretended to fall asleep. Soon after that I did.

  I don’t know how much later it was that I woke up to him standing beside the bed fully dressed, pulling up the covers around me and kissing my forehead and cheeks.

  I was exhausted but I mustered the strength to pull him towards me as he began to pull away. He sat beside me and leaned down towards me, laying me back on the pillow without breaking our tender kiss. He was so gentle with me, it always made me melt inside.

  ‘Ava, please don’t make this hard. I don’t want to leave but I have to,’ he whispered into my ear.

  ‘It’s fine, I understand,’ I replied, not knowing what it was that I was supposed to be understanding but I was too tired to argue and didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  ‘Sleep well, beautiful. I’ll call you in the morning,’ he said, tucking strands of my hair gently behind my ear and kissing me once more before he left and I fell asleep.


  The next morning my body ached all over. Standing in the steaming hot shower, I could still feel him on me, in me and all over me. I didn’t want to wash the memories away but I needed to hit the gym. Twenty minutes later I stepped out of the shower and looked at my reflection in the mirror. As I pulled my hair back I noticed a glow about me that I had never seen before. I was in the best mood possible and was so excited for the day ahead.

  Once I reached the gym I headed for the rowing machine. I was the only person there and watched as my mind’s eye replayed the night before. My blissful mood was interrupted by my phone ringing—it was Hugh. At that exact moment the memory of him leaving hit me with full force. It was then that his words filled my head and I realised that I was officially the other woman. I let the call go to voicemail as I sat on the rowing machine, my conscience taking over and bringing tears to my eyes. What happened when he returned home? Was his wife there? Did he sleep in her bed? How did I really feel about that? It struck me that I may have to share the only person I had ever loved.

  My good mood disintegrated and I returned to my room, where I stayed for the rest of the day. I refused to answer my phone and didn’t want to do anything but watch movies and sleep. After a few hours I saw his name pop up on the caller ID again. I picked up my phone and threw it against the wall. I watched as it fell to the ground, the tears coming again as it continued to ring. Not long after that I fell asleep watching a movie.

  When I awoke an hour later I picked up my phone and saw two missed calls and five messages. I felt sick at the thought of opening them, so I ran myself a bath, sitting on the cold tiles wrapped in only a towel. I heard the running water filling the bath and felt the hot tears stream down my face as I read each of his messages.

  Thank you for such a wonderful night, beautiful.

  Are you okay? What are you doing tonight?


  Are you still at the hotel? I want to see you.

  If you don’t call me back immediately I will turn this car around. Call me.

  The only response I could muster was I’m fine before I watched my phone fall out of my hand and fall to the floor. I stood, dropped my towel on the tiles and stepped into the steaming bath filled with lavender. As I slipped my head under the water I could feel the humiliation washing all over my body. I felt the pain in my heart grow as my mind kept repeating the same insulting sentence: ‘I told you so.’

  I was in so deep, I didn’t know how I was going to walk away unscathed. I felt like it was the beginning of the end but little did I realise that it was only the start of one hectic rollercoaster ride.



  ‘Killing Me Softly’

  Colbie Caillat

  I didn’t return Hugh’s calls or messages for the rest of my trip. I needed space and I couldn’t tell him why. I knew I would push him away if I responded with everything that was runnin
g through my head, so I chose to stay silent.

  When I finally returned home I found myself going over everything he had said and done, trying to figure out what was happening between us. I was driving myself crazy. I had never fallen in love with someone before and the person I had chosen turned out to be completely unavailable—well, to the best of my knowledge. He had never actually confirmed that he was still with his wife, but his not staying the night when I was in town had me suspicious. What confused me the most was that he was so open about us and it was quite obvious to anyone he knew around us that there was something more than friendship there. Despite my confusion, though, I had never found the courage to just ask him. The next time I saw Hugh I was determined to talk about it; I needed clarity and I had to know what I was getting myself into. It turned out, though, that the next time I saw him would be under incredibly bad circumstances.

  One morning as I sat in my office working on a contract my phone rang. I didn’t recognise the number and decided I would take the call outside. Something inside me told me that it was best to have some privacy.

  ‘Hello,’ I answered.

  ‘Hello, is this Ava Reilly?’ said a male voice.

  ‘Speaking,’ I confirmed.

  The caller identified himself as a detective from an interstate police commission and told me he wanted to discuss Hugh. My heart sank and I struggled to breathe, let alone respond—I knew this couldn’t be good.

  When I asked what it was regarding I heard words that left me speechless.

  ‘I would like to discuss with you a pending legal case against Mr Montgomery in which we believe you have information that will support the current allegations.’ I was gobsmacked. What the hell did that mean? And what could I possibly know?

  The detective went on to specify a text message that had been sent to me. I knew the message he was talking about but I had no idea of its relevance, as the context of the conversation was a joke that Hugh and I had shared. He began to explain the allegations and I was caught off guard. I had nothing to do with anything he was suggesting, and indeed I couldn’t see how the message had anything to do with anything.

  ‘Detective Warwick, I don’t know anything about any of these allegations,’ I said. ‘I don’t know anything about Mr Montgomery’s business affairs. We work closely but not that closely.’

  ‘Would it be fair to say that there is a personal relationship between you and Mr Montgomery?’ he asked in a smug tone.

  I took a breath and replied as calmly as I could: ‘We are friends, close friends, but I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, I don’t know anything about what you have told me. I’m sorry but I can’t help you any further.’

  He then had the nerve to tell me he didn’t believe me. He said he would give me twenty-four hours to ‘think about it’ and then he would call me back. And in the meantime I wasn’t to say anything to Hugh.

  Within seconds of ending the call I spoke with my boss. She called Hugh but reached his voicemail. She told him to call her immediately but didn’t say why.

  When he called me minutes later I told him everything in a state of panic. He tried to calm me but I screamed at him, demanding to know why he had involved me in this. He told me that I wasn’t the only one who had received such a call and that the police were trying to tear his life apart. He swore he hadn’t done anything wrong and I truly believed in his innocence. During the call we heard a click-click sound, which Hugh explained meant our phones were tapped. Within seconds of getting off the phone he texted me from another mobile and we began to communicate via that number.

  As promised the next day the detective called, and I reiterated that I knew nothing.

  ‘I don’t believe you,’ he said, echoing his comments from the previous day. ‘How could you not know? My partner and I would like to fly up to interview you.’ I knew he wouldn’t stop until I met with him, so I set a time the following day and prepared myself to tell him exactly what I had already said a million times: I knew nothing.

  I wasn’t scared when they arrived the next day but I was very naive—I didn’t even ask to see their identification. Mostly I was worried about what might happen to Hugh.

  We met at a coffee shop around the corner from my office. During the interview I found out a lot of new information about Hugh and his family, and it was clear that the officers still didn’t believe that I didn’t know anything.

  ‘Ms Reilly, we know you know something. We will pick you up from your office this afternoon and take your official statement. Once we have that, you can return to your life as it is.’

  ‘If I give my statement can you guarantee that I will not be subpoenaed and this will be the end of it all?’ I said hopefully.

  ‘Absolutely. Once you have made your statement, that’s it,’ he replied in a soothing voice.

  ‘Fine,’ I responded reluctantly. By the end of their trip they would know they had wasted their time.

  That afternoon they picked me up from the office. As we drove they told me all sorts of terrible things about Hugh—basically that he was the scum of the earth. Clearly they were trying to rattle me, and I tried my hardest to ignore everything they said. It wasn’t until I had been in the car with them for twenty minutes that they told me they were taking me to the motel where they were staying. Alarm bells immediately rang in my head and I began to silently hyperventilate. I contemplated jumping out of the car while it was moving, but I was frozen to the seat. As we turned the corner I saw the motel: it was dirty, and the thought of going in sent spirals of fear through me. I didn’t know what was going to happen but I immediately feared the worst. I said a prayer that I would be able to walk out of this situation alive. After everything I had been through, this couldn’t be the end.



  ‘Kissing You’


  As we entered the motel I saw a man shooting drugs into his arm in the park across the road. I felt trapped, and terrified. We walked the flights of stairs and entered the officers’ room, where they explained that they couldn’t take me to a police station because they needed to keep our meeting private. They locked the door and told me to sit down at the table, where they opened the laptop and asked for my details. Despite my fear and confusion I could feel that this was about to become a good-cop–bad-cop routine, and I was determined to tell the truth: that I knew nothing.

  The detectives still didn’t believe me, and they were annoyed when I told them I needed to make a phone call. As soon as I got out of the room I ran down the hall as quickly as I could and almost tripped down the stairs. When I burst through the front doors I collapsed against a brick wall and called Hugh. I couldn’t tell him where I was or the predicament I was in but I went off at him anyway. I yelled at him, telling him how horrified I was and that I couldn’t believe I had been dragged into his mess, especially when I didn’t know anything. He apologised profusely but I couldn’t take in another word. I hung up as my mother called me, and after I told her what was happening my father called emergency services. He repeated their instructions to me: stay put and under no circumstances should I go anywhere else with the two detectives. Legally they had to tell the local authorities that they were interstate, but they hadn’t done this, which made the whole episode feel even stranger. Seconds after I hung up from my mother, emergency services called me and told me they were sending local police officers to check on me, and that I should stay on the phone with them until that happened.

  In the worst possible timing, my phone cut out as one of the detectives came downstairs and told me to come back to the room with him.

  My mother called me back and began to scream at me not to go near him as the detective demanded I get back upstairs. I was utterly confused and panicked.

  ‘Ava, if you do not come back upstairs and finish your statement, then this is going to get much worse. We can do this the easy way or the hard way!’ he shouted.

  ‘I’m not
coming back up with you. I told you I don’t know anything,’ I said as I tried to tune out my mother’s panicked voice in my ear.

  The detective glared at me. ‘Fine, have it your way. Stay here. You’ve chosen the hard way,’ he spat before turning around and running upstairs.

  I lit a cigarette and forced myself not to cry. Within a minute the detectives returned with their diaries and stern looks on their face.

  The first detective handed me a piece of paper that was a summons to a secret hearing. He told me rudely that I was not allowed to tell anyone other than my employer and legal counsel about the summons or the hearing—and he emphasised that I was not allowed to discuss it with Hugh. He advised me that if I didn’t turn up to the hearing a warrant would be issued for my arrest.

  ‘But I really don’t know anything!’ I said.

  ‘Bullshit!’ he swore before reading me rights and leaving me there alone.

  I collapsed against the brick wall again as the local police arrived. They examined the summons and told me that indeed I had to attend the hearing or I would be arrested. I felt my throat close up in that moment as the reality of the situation caught up with me.

  After taking my statement, the local officers went to find the detectives and verify their identities. When I took a closer look at the documents I saw that they had been sent at 1 p.m. that day, before I had met up with the detectives; clearly they had planned all along to give me the summons.

  Just before I left, one of the detectives approached me and said something that will always stay with me.

  ‘We know you know something, and we will find out what it is. Pillow talk talks—don’t be stupid thinking you’re the only one.’ Before I had the chance to respond he walked off.